- Super Meat Boy Overrated Meme
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- Super Meat Boy Overrated Quotes
- Super Meat Boy Overrated Girl
- Super Meat Boy Overrated Girl
- Super Meat Boy Overrated
- Super Meat Boy Unblocked
Mar 11, 2011 To what I think overrated is: Lot's of buildboards Lot's of commercials Lot's of advertisements All leading you into a sense that the game will be the biggest thing ever. And so many indie companies don't have a budget for this kind of marketing.
As you can tell by now, I'm addicted to this game. I present you the hardest levels out there.The Top Ten Hardest Super Mario Maker Levels
1Pit of Panga: U-BreakDo I even have to explain? - TheYoshiOverlord
I feel as if any pit of panga level can be here because you're basically not going to make it past the first obstacle
I survived five seconds! - BrideiMacBella
Super Meat Boy Overrated Meme
For all we know, there could be a level in the works called 'A-Break' - but it's anything but a break. - Rocko
2Val's ShellspaceIt is the hardest level ever
How is it possible
There are harder levels such as: Val's shellspace double but this is 3rd hardest (eternal space is 2nd)
100 times harder than U- Break
3Pit of Panga: P-BreakIt was once the hardest level out there. Now, it's U-Break, where you essentially die to the first Firebar. - TheYoshiOverlord
I don't understand it at all... - neehawgamer
4Super Meat Bros.The only one here I've beaten. It's actually not that hard after you beat it once. - Solacress
I beat it first try once it is kinda easy
Its really overrated for how hard it is. - YOSHIA2121
It's based on Super Meat Boy, that sums it up - Martinglez
5Pit of Panga: Grown Man's GardenWhy is this so hard? I'm trying to make a level even harder than this.
6P is For Painhard. it is boy of boy and before level this played I
7YATTA Express of DoomThis one I can't beat because I won't dedicate myself to it because its just not fun its torture - YOSHIA2121
This is 1 million times harder than panga's levels
Pain in the ass - YOSHIA2121
8Trick Cover: Renasu Memory TrialHow would you not think this is the hardest it combines all the hard levels into one! You people who vote for U-Break don't know anything about this crazy level!
Never heard of this can someone put up the ID - YOSHIA2121
Combining parts from U-Break, Shellspace, Airspace, and many more hard levels into one. - TheYoshiOverlord
It's even harder than u break and the cape escape what the hell
10Pit of Panga: Pang PongThis level is hard to describe how to beat it. Though I have beaten it after lots of practice. I have also beaten shells suck but it was way harder in my opinion.
This one is probably pangas second hardest level. everyone knows the hardest - YOSHIA2121
The Contenders
12Trials of DeathHarder than panga u break in fact so hard it creator has been unable to beat it
This is easily 100 times harder than almost every level ever
It's definitely the hardest
Look this level up. After you do,I don't need to explain it.
13Fail’s Flotilla: Final FlightNot the hardest level, but the hardest on here. - ToadR0XMK
This level is so hard, it took the creator 480+ hours to create and beat it. - TheYoshiOverlord
Super Meat Boy Overrated Quotes
14Pit of Panga: The Cape EscapeHow could only 0.8 percent of people think this is the hardest? It used to be the second hardest level.
When you say 'second hardest level,' I assume you got that from my 10 hardest levels video. - ToadR0XMK
Dear god, this one is impossible!
15Panga's Revenge: Shell ShockNot that hard - YOSHIA2121
16Saddest Level, Smallest ViolinBelieve it's from SpongeBob. Krabs's guitar was such a random scene.
Where did the creator get this name from?
To hard
I still have nightmares of this level. It’s the only level on the list that I haven’t beaten!
18Pit of Panga: Bomb Voyage 2.0Bombs are one of my favorite items in super Mario maker. But wait till u see this level!
Do I even need to explain why Panga levels are on here anymore? :P - TheYoshiOverlord
19Pit of Panga: Skyway to ShellIt took over 1 hour for panga to beat it
The hardest Panga Level
20April Fools: It's AmazeingImpossible to beat. Unless you are Panga or you took it to Editor Mode. - SoaPuffball
I took it to editor mode - YOSHIA2121
Is this beatable?
22Pit of Panga: SkyzoFinally cleared this one, tough but fun level - YOSHIA2121
I can't even beat Skyzo Jr... - MaxPap
23Super Seigens Magnum OpusBy GoSeigen, it took him over 450 hours to beat it, easily the hardest.
so hard
24Pit of Panga: Ultra Star 2.0This Level took me forever to beat!
Hardest Panga level?
25SMG4 Course(In Response to TheYoshiOverlord) This is your List. Why not remove it yourself? Also, what was the Username of the Course's Maker.
I highly doubt this is one of the hardest levels. Get this off the list - TheYoshiOverlord
I made this course based off of my favorite YouTuber, SMG4, so I put in a lot of references to his videos. I made it really hard, especially when it comes to the part with the chain chomp. WHO LET THE CHOMP OUT! WHO! WHO! WHO! WHO! WHO!
26Premature DetonationIf you beat this u are not human! Just watch a video of it!
I knew this would be here.
27Pit of Panga: No Mah YoshiHonestly this is the hardest Mario Maker Level I have ever played
28Pit of Panga: POW-a-Panga 2.0Why The heck is this lower than Mecha bowzilla? This is insane
This is so low!
29Pit of Panga: Yoshi Lives MatterRaise yoshi lives awareness, Yoshi lives do matter - YOSHIA2121
Yoshi lives matter
31Pit of Panga: PangamobileThis level’s difficultly is under appreciated! It took me almost three hours to beat it! And I beat Cape Escape in an hour
It looks way too easy but it is way too hard!
It looks easy, but the clear rate is 0.01%.
33Pit of Panga: Bomb VoyageI do not have to explain.
34Super Mario Vs Mecha BowzillaThis took me ages!
What why is this here this level was easy
Much harder than Super Meat Bros, but still not Panga difficulty.
That's because it's made by ROSS!
Here's a level from Ross, with a.03% completion! - TheYoshiOverlord
U break has 00.1%
38You Shell Not PassI'm terrible at shell jumping.
39Float Like A FeatherThis inspired the evil Cape Escape.
40Companion VineI managed to beat this in 11 hours but I beat U-Break in 9
A new Ross level... WITH A CHECKPOINT!
Odd how this was not here before.
48Lavender Town ThemeThis is the only Music stage that shall be hard.
Related Lists
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Top Remixes (5)
2. Pit of Panga: U-Break
3. Pit of Panga: Grown Man's Garden
2. Pit of Panga: P-Break
3. Pit of Panga: Pang Pong
Super Meat Boy Overrated Lyrics
2. Pit of Panga: P-Break
3. P is For Pain
View All 5
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As expected, last weekend's list of Ars editors' picks for their least favorite overrated games led to some spirited debate in the comments. There were plenty of people around to lend both support and derision for each and every pick, though Florence Ion's pick for Super Meat Boy seemed to draw the most universal ire (and Lee Hutchinson's Halo pick was by far the most controversial, with dozens of commenters on each side).
Despite all the arguing, there was one thing everyone seemed to agree on: the list was way too short. We left off a lot of way overrated candidates. While we weren't really attempting to be comprehensive, our commenters did their best to remedy that problem, offering their own picks for games that just don't deserve the heaps of praise they receive from the critical establishment. Here's a round-up of some of the more popular and/or interesting picks from the epic, 350+ comment thread.
Super Meat Boy Overrated Quotes
Final Fantasy
The most popular overrated pick among our commenters, by a hair, was the Final Fantasy series, and Final Fantasy VII in particular. Pitmonster led things off by saying the game 'did nothing for me at all, despite all the gaming reviewers raving about it being the best game of all time.' Robot Dinosaur expanded on the thought: 'Not that it's a bad game, but it doesn't deserve the ridiculous hype it's been given ever sense. It's inferior to FF6 in most ways that matter (more interesting characters, more interesting villain, better plot, better subplots, better graphics if you allow that masterful 2D sprites beat shitty 3D stuff.)' Commenter ifgriffi ended up with quite a bit of FFVII buyer's remorse: 'It's one of those games that I expected to love (even traded my N64 for a Playstation so I could play it) but ended up hating and just barely forcing myself to finish so I could say I did. ... I didn't give a shit about any of the characters, and the fact that all your abilities were stored in materia made them pretty much interchangeable anyway. And the unskippable minute-and-a-half long summon spells were just obnoxious.'
The rest of the Final Fantasy series didn't escape our commenters' ire either. Kitkoan called outFinal Fantasy VI (known as Final Fantasy III in the US), specifically for what he sees as a mess of a story. 'It flips through so many characters at a break neck speed that by the end of it I just didn't care what happened to any of them. It felt more like they just gathered a bunch of five page stories and tried to in a desperate move to merge them into one giant story.' Charleski called out the entire Final Fantasy series, but hated VI in particular. 'What a tedious pile of mindless button-clicking shit! I actually persevered fairly far into the game until I got to a point where I realized that killing the next boss required a whole lot of leveling-up by clicking the same buttons over and over again on a countless pile of completely unchallenging trash mobs.'
Mosxs centered his complaints on the more recent Final Fantasy titles, specifically the ones after the original PlayStation. 'Being a big fanboy of Final Fantasy in the 90s, Final Fantasy X was one of the worst games I've ever played. ... Seriously, the story in that game was flat out awful. To the point where I was laughing in disbelief at some scenes and dialog. ... Each FF game since has gotten progressively worse as well.'
A series of overrated events games
The Call of Duty series in general was a perhaps unsurprisingly popular choice for an overrated series, withmanycommenters just declaring the games as overrated without further comment. PrimalxComwboy put his problems with the series into words, specifically arguing against the games' popular multiplayer modes. 'I fail and/or loath online competitive multiplayer, having encountered too many Trolls that would rather see the world burn, than actually enjoy a game with people. I just thank God that Words with Friends doesn't suffer the same amount of insults and cheating or 'world burning' behavior as COD or any game similar to it.'
A number of commenters didn't see why so many people seemed so enamored with the world of Skyrim, or Elder Scrolls in general. 'It felt profoundly empty, with a feeling that nothing we did would affect the world that much,' dogbiscuit complained. 'I've spent enough hours playing it to know that bugs from the previous Elder Scrolls titles are still there, and the addition of dragons does not 'instant classic make,' Shmak suggested. Snyder thinks the entire Elder Scrolls series doesn't deserve its praise, thanks to 'ridiculous' leveling, bad AI, and even 'abominations' from the face generation engine.
Super Meat Boy Overrated Girl
The Assassin's Creed series also drew a lot of ire, from quite afew commenters who said they didn't see the appeal. Swilhelm called the first game in the series 'the only game I've ever started that I gave up on entirely. Everyone seemed to love it, but I found it to be slow paced and the controls were beyond awkward.' Ginsuchikara was particularly mad about Assassin's Creed 3 and its 'forgettable, shallow characters. Crap art direction. Glitches everywhere. Story that seems to have been written by M. Night Shyamalan. Pointlessly, overly difficult AI's.'
Speaking of convoluted games stories, a few commenters took issue with the Metal Gear Solid series. Boticho was particularly offended by the way the fourth game included 'a given action break at over sixty minutes [long]. Some people I know were turned off when they realize they were mostly watching an interactive movie that they could not figure out as they have not played previous games.' Salamanderjuice also pointed out the 'hour-long cut scenes' but also the long install and load times and a tailing mission that stretched out to 30 or 40 minutes. MPK211, meanwhile, pointed toMetal Gear Solid 2 as a game where 'the actual gameplay elements are killing the immersion and taking you out of the game, it should have just been a movie,' and there was altogether too much exposition.
And the rest
Past those, there were quite a few games that were considered overrated by one or two (or maybe three) commenters in our epic thread. Angry Birds is 'supposed to be physics based, but it seems to have way too large a chunk of luck for that to be true,' according to wjousts. Dark Souls doesn't deserve good reviews because it's 'stupidly hard' and/or 'inhumanely difficult.' Half-Life 2got attacked for having puzzles that were 'obnoxious and tedious, essentially the game designers trying to show off their physics engine more than being interesting gameplay.'
Among Ars commenters, you can find hatred for World of Warcraft, Skyward Sword, Ocarina of Time, BioShock, Uncharted, Minecraft, the original X-Com, Shadow of the Colossus, and more titles that are almost universally praised by critics and gamers alike. It just goes to show you, there's no accounting for taste.
Super Meat Boy Overrated Girl
But my favorite comments, by far, were the ones I'll refer to as 'machine gun trolls.' These are the commenters that used the thread to simply list out a good number of ultra-popular titles that don't measure up in their books. Hardrock_ram's list of 10 overrated games included the only mention of Super Mario 64 in the entire thread, as well as an incredible pick for Tetris. Ekotan listed seven big-name games that he said 'bored me to tears about an hour into the game.' Jedisamurai wrote out his own list of 10 overrated titles ranging from Super Mario Galaxy to Everquest.
The very best machine gun troll comment, though, is from commenter orborborb. Not only did he put the hammer down on the entire God of War, Twisted Metal, Elder Scrolls, Prince of Persia (modern), and Assassin's Creed series, but also the entire post-Baldur's Gate II output fromBiowareand 'Red Dead Redemption, Arkham City, Diablo 1&2, Borderlands, Okami, Ratchet and Clank games, Professor Layton games, Fable II, Burnout Paradise, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Mario Kart Wii, Guitar Hero, World of Warcraft, Chrono Trigger, Super Mario RPG, Paper Mario games, andKlonoa games.' After reading through a list like that, it's hard to imagine that any game is good enough for such a refined palate.
Super Meat Boy Overrated
Feel like we've finally got a comprehensive list? Add even more to the debate below.
Super Meat Boy Unblocked
Listing image by SentAsha