Super Meat Boy Forever Wiki

-devmodeLaunches the level editor.
-fullscreenRuns the game in full screen mode.
-windowedRuns the game in windowed mode.
-ultralowdetailRuns the game at the lowest detail, parallax is taken out, particle effects are ignored, animals are missing, set pieces are gone, lighting is ignored, images are lowest possible resolution (made for integrated graphics though not officially supported).
-lowdetailRuns the game with lowest resolution images, lighting is ignored, particle effects are ignored (use this if you are having lag on CHAD, Dr. Fetus, or levels where you die from moving platforms).
-meddetailRuns the game with medium resolution images (mid-range setting, run this if you are having slight lag).
-highdetailRuns the game with highest resolution images.
-640x480Runs the game at 640x480 resolution.
-800x600Runs the game at 800x600 resolution.
-1024x768Runs the game at 1024x768 resolution.
-1280x720Runs the game at 1280x720 resolution.
-1920x1080Runs the game at 1920x1080 resolution.

Super Meat Boy Forever Wiki 2017

Super Meat Boy Forever Wiki
  1. Oct 20, 2010 Super Meat Boy is a platforming game developed and published by Team Meat. Why It Rocks. Great graphics that throwback to classic 2D side-scrolling video games. Incredibly fun, addictive gameplay. Unbelievably difficult, which is the main appeal.
  2. Fetus is the main antagonist of the game. Made obvious by his name, he is a small fetus in a jar and the main villain of Super Meat Boy who mostly spends his days trolling the internet. For some odd reason, nobody likes him and he doesn't like them, either. It is common for Dr. Fetus to flip off Meat Boy.

Super Meat Boy Forever Wiki Song

Super Meat Boy felt great because there was a marriage of level design and controls, Super Meat Boy Forever is no different. Is This an Infinite-Runner? No, Super Meat Boy Forever’s levels have a defined start and end, no infinite running.