Oct 06, 2015 After defeating Brownie in The Salt Factory, you can select him by inputting the following code on the character select screen (not character switch screen): R2, R2, R2, O, O, O, Square. He plays exactly like Super Meat Boy.
- Super Meat Boy! - Choice Piano Cuts by Brent Kennedy, released 21 December 2011 1. Brent Kennedy - Betus Blues (Piano) 2. Brent Kennedy - The Forest Medley (Piano) 3. Brent Kennedy - C.H.A.D.' S Lullaby (Piano) 4. Brent Kennedy - It Ends (Piano) 5. Brent Kennedy - Meat Golem (Piano) 6. Brent Kennedy - Ballad of the Burning Squirrel (Piano) 7.
- Super Meat Boy - Chapter 3: The Salt Factory Light World Part 2 (Levels 8-20) by Bil Kulp. Super Meat Boy - Chapter 3: The Salt Factory Light World Part 3 (Level 20 + Bandage Sweep) by Bil Kulp. Super Meat Boy - Chapter 3: The Salt Factory Light World Part 4 (Bandage Sweep + Boss).
Super Meat Boy Salt Factory Theme
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With how ridiculous the mere concept of the game is, expect some funny moments, namely a great deal of Black Comedy.
Super Meat Boy The Salt Factory All Bandages
In General
- Dr. Fetus's concept can be hilarious to most people just for the sheer absurdity of it.
- Dr. Fetus's slapstick abuse of Bandage Girl.
- The fact that Meat Boy is unlucky enough to live near a SaltFactory.
Meat Boy (flash game)

- Meat Boy's 'are you kidding me' expression right before the Salt Factory stage.
- The rathertwisted and messed-up endings to the game.
Super Meat Boy
Super Meat Boy Salt Factory Level 4 Bandage
- In the opening cutscene, Meat Boy waves at Dr. Fetus before the latter tackles him and beats him up.
- All of the opening cutscenes to each stage are Shout-Outs to the opening cutscenes of retro video games. The most notable is the one in The End, which is a shout-out of Pokémon Red and Blue.
- In the ending cutscene to the Forest stage, we get a 'sad moment' with a squirrel teary-eyed over his dead friends, only to get decapitated by a buzzsaw at the very last second.
- When Meat Boy encounters Dr. Fetus in the Salt Factory, he is sitting on the toilet reading a newspaper. And guess whatthe boss is...
- Dr. Fetus throwing his remote at Meat Boy in the ending cutscene to the Salt Factory stage.
- The end credits shows a Where Are They Now segment. Some of them include C.H.A.D. getting plastic surgery and becoming a model, with him even posing for photos, Brownie revealed to be a alive only to get crushed by a falling toilet, and the Meat Boys partying in Hell.
- The ending cutscene in the Dark World. Meat Boy and Bandage Girl are finally reunited and safe, only for Dr. Fetus, who had his jar broken in the previous cutscene, to jump on Bandage Girl and attack her. However, Bandage Girl is not affected it by all, and manages to push him off. We then get a moment of them staring at each other with loving eyes as Tchaikovsky's Romeo & Juliet plays, only for Bandage Girl to immediately switch her expression to angry, shriek, and repeatedly stomp on Dr. Fetus, clearly enjoying doing so. And Meat Boy just smiles and gives a thumbs up.
Super Meat Boy Forever
Super Meat Boy Salt Factory Music
- 'This is Dr. Fetus. He's not a real doctor.' Followed by Dr. Fetus flipping off the narrator.
- Some of the kidnapping animations in Super Meat Boy Forever are hilarious, such as him whacking Nugget with a baseball bat and flipping the player off through his teleportation portal.
- Dr. Fetus throwing a tantrum after Nugget causes them to be ejected from his Humongous Mecha in the closing Green Hills cutscene, all while Nugget is happily waving her arms enjoying the ride.
- When PETA created a poorly-made parody of Super Meat Boy, the creators of Super Meat Boy responded by putting PETA's character, Tofu Boy, in the game and making him pathetically slow and weak to where it's physically impossible to complete most of the levels with him.
- After Facebook denied an ad for Super Meat Boy Forever for 'sexually explicit content' (all it really was was Meat Boy and Bandage Girl's bare butts), Team Meat respondedhilariously to the ordeal.
- Dr. Fetus'sTwitter account is guaranteed to give you a good laugh.
- Dr. Fetus gets his own Hostile Show Takeover in the form of The Collector's Edition for Super Meat Boy. In this case, it's a game manual that has been defaced by him, where he does nothing but boast about himself while trash-talking everyone else (mainly Meat Boy) complete with drawings portraying himself as muscular and god-like. Here◊are◊some◊page◊examples, to show you what it's all about.'Videos are constantly being put up on YouTube of people shitting all over Meat Boy's face'
- A lot of stuff in the Ultra Edition Handbook.
- There are two page where Dr. Fetus writes out letters of his daily activities, namely Kick the Dog actions that veer into Crosses the Line Twice proportions, such as destroying a girl's sandcastle while breaking her arm in the process (because 'No one screws with the sand castle king!') and sticking thumb tacks into a woman's baby thinking it was a boil.
- 'Six Things To Do With Meat Boy'. Among them are a squeeze toy, a piñata, and a mosquito feeder. Meat Boy's expressions sell it.
- Dr. Fetus dating a blow-up doll in one of the Goofus and Gallant parodies.
- 'Dr. Fetus hoards National Geographics (for the boobs).'
- A lot of the Newspaper Comic parodies in general.