Oct 23, 2010 Super Meat Boy How to get 2-18: Demonoid Bandage nemesiscw. Unsubscribe from nemesiscw? Super Meat Boy: Dark World Warp Zones - Duration: 6:33. Balmoren 141,021 views. Super Meat Boy has jumped his way onto PlayStation and is taking the trophy hunters by storm with his incredibly difficult platinum trophy, this guide will teach you exactly how to go about getting the trophies.
- Super Meat Boy World 2-18 Bandage Game
- Super Meat Boy World 2-18 Bandage Song
- Super Meat Boy World 2-18 Bandages
Super Meat Boy is an awesome game, and one of the hardest platformers I’ve ever played. So naturally, I had to 100% it. I had completed every level with A+, and I had 100 percented every chapter but one. Embarrassingly, that one chapter was the forest. Go on, mock me.
I had one more bandage to collect, I had played every level in there 20 million times, and still couldn’t find it! I had no idea what to do, so I turned to a force greater than myself. The internet.
And so, with the help of a handy bandage location guide, I found the last piece of the 100 percent puzzle. Now, I’m gonna help you too!
The Forest
Light World Dark World
1-4: Nutshell 1-3X: BZZZZZ
1-5: Sky Pup (Warpzone) 1-5X: Creamsoda
1-7: Diverge 1-10X: Walls
1-9: Safety Third 1-13X: Space Boy (Warpzone)
1-11: Fired 1-14X: Mystery Spot
1-13: Tommy’s Cabin 1-15X: Kick Machine
1-18: Altamount 1-17X: The Clock
1-19: Hand Held Hack (Warpzone) 1-19X: Queener
1-20: The Test
The Hospital
Light World Dark World
2-2: One Down 2-4X: Blown
2-5: Big Empty 2-5X: 1977 (Warpzone)
Super Meat Boy World 2-18 Bandage Game
2-10: Johnny’s Cage 2-6X: Cher Noble
2-12: Castle Crushers (Warpzone) 2-7X: The Moon
2-13: Ulcer Pop 2-10X: The Kracken
2-15: The Blood Shed (Warpzone) 2-12X: Grey Matter
2-16: Synj 2-15X: Insurance?
2-18: Destructoid 2-16X: P.S.Y
2-20: Daybreaker
The Salt Factory
Light World Dark World
3-1: Pit Stop 3-3X: The Red Room
3-2: The Salt Lick 3-5X: Wasp
3-4: Transmissions 3-6X: Not You Again
3-5: Cartridge Dump (Warpzone) 3-7X: Pluck
3-7: Tunnel Vision (Warpzone) 3-8X: Kontra (Warpzone)
3-10: Breakdown 3-14X: Salmon
3-11: Box Tripper 3-16X: The Chaser
3-18: The Grundle 3-19X: El Topo
3-20: White Noise
Light World Dark World
4-2: Brindle 4-3X: Char
4-6: Leviathon 4-4X: Altered
4-8: Brimstone (Warpzone) 4-7X: MMMMMM (Warpzone)
4-9: Deceiver 4-8X: Billy Boy
4-13: Lazy 4-10X: Gallow
4-14: The Key Master (Warpzone) 4-14X: Old Scratch
4-16: Bow 4-18X: Sag Chamber
4-17: Lost Highway 4-19X: Long Goodbye
4-20: Babylon
Light World Dark World
5-1: The Skyscraper (Warpzone) 5-4X: Alabaster
5-3: Ripe Decay 5-5X: Nix
5-5: Panic Switch 5-8X: Downer
5-9: Abomination 5-10X: Pulp Factory
5-12: 10 Horns 5-11X: Blight
5-12: Sunshine Island (Warpzone) 5-17X: Millenium
5-16: Rotgut 5-18X: Stain
5-18: Gate of Ludd 5-20X: Meat Is Death (Warpzone)
5-20: Judgement
The Cotton Alley
Light World Dark World
None 7-12X: Pink