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Here are all the known warp zone locations in Super Meat Boy! Some of these warp zones include bandages. Check out the list of all bandages in Super Meat Boy.
A-BX, where A is the chapter, B is the level number and X indicates the warp zone is in the dark world version of the level.
1-5: Holy Mountain – Warp Zone (Sky Pup)
1-19: Intermission – Warp Zone (Hand Held Hack)
2-12: Above – Warp Zone (Castle Crashers)
2-5X: Agent Orange – Warp Zone (1977)
3-5: Uptown – Warp Zone (Cartridge Dump)
3-16: Mono – Warp Zone (Ogmo)

4-8: – Warp Zone (Brimstone) – Thanks to xXCanadian JrXx and ecamirG for this one.
4-18: Boris – Warp Zone (The Fly Guy)
Super Meat Boy All Bandages World 4 Game
5-7: The Fallen – Warp Zone (The Guy!)