Super Meat Boy Hardest Level

Mar 27, 2019  r/celestegame: A video game about climbing a mountain. Super Meat Boy is harder to 100% than Celeste, but I have heard from several experts who have gotten all deathless achievements in Meat Boy that they are easier than the hardest gold strawberries of Celeste.

As you can tell by now, I'm addicted to this game. I present you the hardest levels out there.

The Top Ten Hardest Super Mario Maker Levels

1Pit of Panga: U-Break

Super Meat Boy Hardest Level

Do I even have to explain? - TheYoshiOverlord

I feel as if any pit of panga level can be here because you're basically not going to make it past the first obstacle

I survived five seconds! - BrideiMacBella

For all we know, there could be a level in the works called 'A-Break' - but it's anything but a break. - Rocko

2Val's Shellspace

It is the hardest level ever

How is it possible

There are harder levels such as: Val's shellspace double but this is 3rd hardest (eternal space is 2nd)

100 times harder than U- Break

3Pit of Panga: P-Break

It was once the hardest level out there. Now, it's U-Break, where you essentially die to the first Firebar. - TheYoshiOverlord

I don't understand it at all... - neehawgamer

4Super Meat Bros.

The only one here I've beaten. It's actually not that hard after you beat it once. - Solacress

I beat it first try once it is kinda easy

Its really overrated for how hard it is. - YOSHIA2121

It's based on Super Meat Boy, that sums it up - Martinglez

5Pit of Panga: Grown Man's Garden

Why is this so hard? I'm trying to make a level even harder than this.

6P is For Pain

hard. it is boy of boy and before level this played I

7YATTA Express of Doom

This one I can't beat because I won't dedicate myself to it because its just not fun its torture - YOSHIA2121

This is 1 million times harder than panga's levels

Pain in the ass - YOSHIA2121

8Trick Cover: Renasu Memory Trial

How would you not think this is the hardest it combines all the hard levels into one! You people who vote for U-Break don't know anything about this crazy level!

Super Meat Boy Hardest Levels

Never heard of this can someone put up the ID - YOSHIA2121

Combining parts from U-Break, Shellspace, Airspace, and many more hard levels into one. - TheYoshiOverlord

It's even harder than u break and the cape escape what the hell

10Pit of Panga: Pang Pong

This level is hard to describe how to beat it. Though I have beaten it after lots of practice. I have also beaten shells suck but it was way harder in my opinion.

This one is probably pangas second hardest level. everyone knows the hardest - YOSHIA2121

The Contenders

12Trials of Death

Harder than panga u break in fact so hard it creator has been unable to beat it

This is easily 100 times harder than almost every level ever

It's definitely the hardest

Look this level up. After you do,I don't need to explain it.

13Fail’s Flotilla: Final Flight

Not the hardest level, but the hardest on here. - ToadR0XMK

This level is so hard, it took the creator 480+ hours to create and beat it. - TheYoshiOverlord

14Pit of Panga: The Cape Escape

How could only 0.8 percent of people think this is the hardest? It used to be the second hardest level.

When you say 'second hardest level,' I assume you got that from my 10 hardest levels video. - ToadR0XMK

Dear god, this one is impossible!

15Panga's Revenge: Shell Shock

Not that hard - YOSHIA2121

16Saddest Level, Smallest Violin

Believe it's from SpongeBob. Krabs's guitar was such a random scene.

Where did the creator get this name from?

To hard

I still have nightmares of this level. It’s the only level on the list that I haven’t beaten!

18Pit of Panga: Bomb Voyage 2.0

Bombs are one of my favorite items in super Mario maker. But wait till u see this level!

Do I even need to explain why Panga levels are on here anymore? :P - TheYoshiOverlord

19Pit of Panga: Skyway to Shell

It took over 1 hour for panga to beat it

The hardest Panga Level

20April Fools: It's Amazeing

Impossible to beat. Unless you are Panga or you took it to Editor Mode. - SoaPuffball

I took it to editor mode - YOSHIA2121

Is this beatable?

Super Meat Boy Hardest Level22BoyPit of Panga: Skyzo

Finally cleared this one, tough but fun level - YOSHIA2121

I can't even beat Skyzo Jr... - MaxPap

23Super Seigens Magnum Opus

By GoSeigen, it took him over 450 hours to beat it, easily the hardest.

so hard

24Pit of Panga: Ultra Star 2.0

This Level took me forever to beat!

Hardest Panga level?

25SMG4 Course

(In Response to TheYoshiOverlord) This is your List. Why not remove it yourself? Also, what was the Username of the Course's Maker.

I highly doubt this is one of the hardest levels. Get this off the list - TheYoshiOverlord

I made this course based off of my favorite YouTuber, SMG4, so I put in a lot of references to his videos. I made it really hard, especially when it comes to the part with the chain chomp. WHO LET THE CHOMP OUT! WHO! WHO! WHO! WHO! WHO!


26Premature Detonation

If you beat this u are not human! Just watch a video of it!

I knew this would be here.

27Pit of Panga: No Mah Yoshi

Honestly this is the hardest Mario Maker Level I have ever played

28Pit of Panga: POW-a-Panga 2.0

Why The heck is this lower than Mecha bowzilla? This is insane

This is so low!

29Pit of Panga: Yoshi Lives Matter

Raise yoshi lives awareness, Yoshi lives do matter - YOSHIA2121

Yoshi lives matter

31Pit of Panga: Pangamobile

This level’s difficultly is under appreciated! It took me almost three hours to beat it! And I beat Cape Escape in an hour

It looks way too easy but it is way too hard!

It looks easy, but the clear rate is 0.01%.

33Pit of Panga: Bomb Voyage

I do not have to explain.

34Super Mario Vs Mecha Bowzilla

This took me ages!

What why is this here this level was easy

36Surgical Shells 2.0
37Companion Spring 2: Bounce Back

Much harder than Super Meat Bros, but still not Panga difficulty.

That's because it's made by ROSS!

Here's a level from Ross, with a.03% completion! - TheYoshiOverlord

U break has 00.1%

38You Shell Not Pass

I'm terrible at shell jumping.

39Float Like A Feather

This inspired the evil Cape Escape.

40Companion Vine

I managed to beat this in 11 hours but I beat U-Break in 9

A new Ross level... WITH A CHECKPOINT!

42Evil Eyes: Our Truth Is Moving
44Roach Hotel
46Skyzo Sr.

Odd how this was not here before.

48Lavender Town Theme

This is the only Music stage that shall be hard.

50World 1-1 Remix

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List Stats

Top Remixes (5)

1. Val's Shellspace
2. Pit of Panga: U-Break
3. Pit of Panga: Grown Man's Garden
1. Pit of Panga: U-Break
2. Pit of Panga: P-Break
3. Pit of Panga: Pang Pong
1. Pit of Panga: U-Break
2. Pit of Panga: P-Break
3. P is For Pain

View All 5

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