The Super Meat Boy 5th Anniversary OST, featuring tracks from Ridiculon, Scattle & Laura Shigihara!YouTube Channel: 5th Anniversary YT Playlist:…g6xQ3u8vUhKmNv7-tYou can buy the albums here:RIDICULON (Songs in the Key of Meat):…h-anniversarySCATTLE (Only Built 4 Sausage Links):…-sausage-linksLAURA SHIGIHARA (Super Sweet Boy):…anniversary
Contains tracks
Shatter - Official Videogame Soundtrack by Module, released 23 July 2009 1. Kinetic Harvest 2. Super Meat Boy! Soundtrack by Danny Baranowsky. Bandcamp Daily your guide to the world of Bandcamp. A Guide to Drexciya’s Futuristic Electro. Oct 22, 2010 Super Meat Boy is an amazing platformer, with exceptional gameplay and of course, an awesome soundtrack. Consequently, I've taken it upon myself to gradually upload all of the music from the game.