Super Meat Boy Level 6-5

Super Meat Boy Meat Boy series. The End: 6-1 to 6-5 (what did you expect?). You have some route options. In general, load times matter much more when you enter and exit stages from level select rather than simply beating levels and advancing to the next one, so routes that involve exits to map will become comparatively. Play as Tofu Boy. Select a level, then type 'petaphile' at the character selection screen. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Select Meat Boy to play as Tofu Boy. Note: This code does not work on Glitch levels, Boss levels, or Warp Zones. Tofu Boy is a joke character in response to PETA's parody of Super Meat Boy, Super. Jun 25, 2018  Replace the blood and brutality of Super Meat Boy with paint, add invisible levels and marginally tone down the difficulty, and what you have is INK.

  1. Super Meat Boy Unblocked
  2. Super Meat Boy Newgrounds
  3. Super Meat Boy Ch 6 Level 5

Super Meat Boy Unblocked


By ShadaxShadax. Last updated

Super Meat Boy Newgrounds

Here's the basic meatboy dark ending route.
Do these stages:
Forest: 1-19 (both light & dark)
Hospital: 1-13, 16-19
Factory: 1-11, 14-19
Hell: 1, 3-17, 19 (easier) or 1-17 (faster with skip in 4-2x)
Light Rapture: 1-7, 9-18
Dark Rapture: 1-2, 4-7, 10-18
End: 1-5, light fetus, dark fetus
You can skip 2 stages in dark rapture because you did extra stages earlier (19 in forest instead of the 17 you need). This route skips 5-3x and 9x, for reasons that will be very obvious if you try them yourself. You can also do more stages earlier (1-20, 2-20, etc) if you want to skip more. It's also worth noting doing 5-3x (and skipping 1-19 and 19x in forest in exchange) is actually a couple seconds faster with optimal strats, but this is not recommended for most players.
To perform the skip in 5-1x: watch a run to see where to set it up. Get in the corner next to the saw & let go of run (don't hit it again until you're through with the skip). Hold left & hit jump twice really fast, & hold jump on the second press. Keep holding jump & left and you should make the skip. The timing is pretty precise, so if you just barely clip the ceiling, keep trying.

Super Meat Boy Ch 6 Level 5

For each chapter, do the light world, then the dark world, then the boss. Since glitch girl only starts spawning after the boss is cleared, you never have to worry about her.
One last note: This category fulfills the normal requirements to unlock dark fetus, which are to complete 85 stages in the dark world and beat light fetus. There's a glitch that lets you skip to dark fetus after beating 6-5. It's not hard to do; just mash Y to change to the dark world immediately when you return to the map after 6-5, and the game unlocks dark instead of light fetus. This glitch is not used, because if it was, the run would just be any% with dark instead of light fetus (and then the game would crash after the credits).