Jan 30, 2018 The rng wasn't the best but still I'm happy with this run. Broadcasted live on Twitch - Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/matte27. A launcher that provides extra features to Super Meat Boy such as the ability to change your control scheme using a user-friendly GUI, an option to delete you save data every time the game launches for Any% runs, an option to automatically run Livesplit when you run SMB, and many more! (This is the second version of SMB Launcher. Oct 22, 2018 This is a tool-assisted speedrun of Super Meat Boy in the 106% category, with a completion time of 48:08.85 (TAS timing).The run is done on linux on a single input file on a tool called linTAS.
Dark Souls Speedrun Wr
Name | Version | Author | Last updated |
Bandage Resetter A tool that enables a player to continuously practice Bandage Gets without save deletion. (external link) A tool that enables a player to continuously practice Bandage Gets without save deletion. (external link) By d265f27d265f27 | 1.0.0 | d265f27d265f27 | |
Character Unlocker Allows to play with the whole set of characters in the last two worlds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vg9VX-fmBUc (direct download) Allows to play with the whole set of characters in the last two worlds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vg9VX-fmBUc (direct download) By thebmxbandit11thebmxbandit11 | 0.2 | thebmxbandit11thebmxbandit11 | |
Control Station What this program does is simply scan your computer for the savegame.dat file and delete it without the need of confirmation, or having to open a folder. In addition, there is another button that will Launch your Super Meat Boy without having to navigate through the taskbar Steam Menu and selecting Super Meat Boy. (direct download) What this program does is simply scan your computer for the savegame.dat file and delete it without the need of confirmation, or having to open a folder. In addition, there is another button that will Launch your Super Meat Boy without having to navigate through the taskbar Steam Menu and selecting Super Meat Boy. (direct download) By digliodiglio | digliodiglio | ||
IL tool View the video for a quick tutorial on how to use it and what it does. http://youtu.be/z51SUiwe02s (external link) View the video for a quick tutorial on how to use it and what it does. http://youtu.be/z51SUiwe02s (external link) By thebmxbandit11thebmxbandit11 | thebmxbandit11thebmxbandit11 | ||
JoyToKey JoyToKey (or Joy2Key) enables PC game controllers to emulate a mouse and the keyboard input, so that windows applications and web games can be controlled with your favorite joysticks! Whenever joystick buttons and sticks are pressed, JoyToKey converts them into keyboard strokes and/or mouse movements so that the targeted application will work as if you are using a real keyboard and a mouse! (external link) JoyToKey (or Joy2Key) enables PC game controllers to emulate a mouse and the keyboard input, so that windows applications and web games can be controlled with your favorite joysticks! Whenever joystick buttons and sticks are pressed, JoyToKey converts them into keyboard strokes and/or mouse movements so that the targeted application will work as if you are using a real keyboard and a mouse! (external link) By jtksoft | 5.6 | jtksoft | |
KeyboardToControllerMapper Allows controller inputs to be bound to keyboard. Necessary for dual jump on keyboard. (external link) Allows controller inputs to be bound to keyboard. Necessary for dual jump on keyboard. (external link) By d265f27d265f27 | d265f27d265f27 | ||
List of levels These can be accessed at any time using the editor / devmode. (external link) These can be accessed at any time using the editor / devmode. (external link) By -7-7 | -7-7 | ||
NohBoard A keyboard visualizer (external link) By ThoNohT | 0.16b | ThoNohT | |
Practice Program View the video for a quick tutorial on how to use and what it does. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDgZgUdlk48 (external link) View the video for a quick tutorial on how to use and what it does. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDgZgUdlk48 (external link) By thebmxbandit11thebmxbandit11 | 1.1 | thebmxbandit11thebmxbandit11 | |
Rivatuner This will help the game run more consistently on your pc. 'consistently', in this case, means fewer lag spikes. Loading times should be affected too. Even if your pc's great, if the game is running at, say, 60.3 fps instead of 60.0, the physics will be subtly screwed up. This is also the fix for 7-19x problems. Add supermeatboy.exe on the program's list, set it to 60fps and leave the program open in the background while running. Check forums for more details (external link) This will help the game run more consistently on your pc. 'consistently', in this case, means fewer lag spikes. Loading times should be affected too. Even if your pc's great, if the game is running at, say, 60.3 fps instead of 60.0, the physics will be subtly screwed up. This is also the fix for 7-19x problems. Add supermeatboy.exe on the program's list, set it to 60fps and leave the program open in the background while running. Check forums for more details (external link) | |||
SMB Launcher v2 *new* A launcher that provides extra features to Super Meat Boy such as the ability to change your control scheme using a user-friendly GUI, an option to delete you save data every time the game launches for Any% runs, an option to automatically run Livesplit when you run SMB, and many more! (This is the second version of SMB Launcher. The old version stopped working so I remade it. This version now has piracy protection; SMB Launcher requires a version of Super Meat Boy purchased via Steam). (external link) A launcher that provides extra features to Super Meat Boy such as the ability to change your control scheme using a user-friendly GUI, an option to delete you save data every time the game launches for Any% runs, an option to automatically run Livesplit when you run SMB, and many more! (This is the second version of SMB Launcher. The old version stopped working so I remade it. This version now has piracy protection; SMB Launcher requires a version of Super Meat Boy purchased via Steam). (external link) By N0ught234N0ught234 | | N0ught234N0ught234 | |
SMBResetter A tool that allows you to reset saves with clear saves or custom premade saves (start at a certain world with a certain character), choose all launch options (like -ultralowdetail, -devmode, -palette, -fullscreen etc).. (external link) A tool that allows you to reset saves with clear saves or custom premade saves (start at a certain world with a certain character), choose all launch options (like -ultralowdetail, -devmode, -palette, -fullscreen etc).. (external link) By cal_cal_ | 2.4 | cal_cal_ | |
Super Meat Boy Stats A tool to view your Super Meat Boy savefile stats (external link) A tool to view your Super Meat Boy savefile stats (external link) By Jaex | 1.9 | Jaex | |
XinputView X360 controller visualizer (external link) | 1.2 |